Riding Yak mounts were added in expansion Mist of Pandaria, there are 3 different versions: [Reins of the Blonde Riding Yak] [Reins of the Grey Riding Yak] and [Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak]. You can buy them directly with gold, no reputation required. (PS:You can pull down to bottom of page to watch the video too)
Item Level 90
Binds when picked up
Mount (Account-wide)
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
Requires Level 85
Requires Journeyman Riding
Sell Price: 750g
"Riding Yaks are bred to be slimmer and more agile than their kin."
Vendor: Uncle Bigpocket
Zone: Kun-Lai Summit
Cost: 3000g
Item Level 90
Binds when picked up
Mount (Account-wide)
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount.
Requires Level 85
Requires Journeyman Riding
Sell Price: 750
"Riding Yaks are bred to be slimmer and more agile than their kin."
Vendor: Uncle Bigpocket
Zone: Kun-Lai Summit
Cost: 3000g
Item Level 90
Binds when picked up
Mount (Account-wide)
Use: Teaches you how to summon this three-person mount with vendors. Excellent for those long journies up the summit of Mount Neverest. Be the envy of your friends.
Requires Level 85
Requires Journeyman Riding
Sell Price: 30000g
"These beasts of burden are known to carry over five times their own weight and to be capable of lasting several days without food or water."
Vendor: Uncle Bigpocket
Zone: Kun-Lai Summit
Cost: 120000g
These 3 riding yak mounts are sold by NPC “Uncle Bigpocket” in Kun-Lai Summit.First you need go to Pandaria, you can ask a mage to teleport you to Shrine of Two moons(Horde) or Shrine of Seven Stars(alliance), then fly from there.Here’s the map guide.
Then you’ll find the NPC and see what wow mounts for sale from him.
Here's a video that you can watch too.
Thanks for your time and reading.
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